A Safe Place At Last
The worst part of being homeless was the sleepless nights. My ten-year-old daughter would sleep, and I would lie awake, worrying. I worried about how to keep her safe. I worried about how I was going to get her to school in the morning. I worried about how much longer we could keep living like this.
We had been staying with family, but it was not a good place for my daughter. I had to make a choice: stay in an unsafe environment or leave to protect her and try to get by on my own. I chose to leave. That is how we ended up living in my car.
After months of this, someone told me to go to DCM for help. By then, it all felt like too much. I was exhausted. Even with DCM supporting me, I had to wait for (social) housing. I had to be patient and trust that they would find us a place. It took almost five months, but they kept advocating for me and never gave up.
The day they told me they had found us a home, I felt such relief, like all the stress had lifted off my shoulders. My daughter was so happy. We moved into a two-bedroom apartment, and she finally has her own space.
"For the first time in a long time, I felt free. I could take care of myself and my daughter without worrying about where we would sleep."
DCM helped us with everything we needed to get settled, and they still check in to make sure we are okay. They gave us a welcome pack, and at Christmas, they brought us a hamper so we could celebrate together in our new home.
Looking back, I don't know how I got through it. I just knew I had to. I had to give my daughter hope, even on the days when I had none myself. One of the hardest parts was knowing there was somewhere we could go, back to family, but that it was not safe. I had to make a choice no parent should ever have to make.
Now, my daughter has her own room, though she mostly spends time in the living room playing video games. She is enrolled in the local school, and she loves it. We feel like a real family again.
DCM treated me with respect, and they never judged me. Where we were before was so unhealthy, but having our own home has changed everything and it’s helped me to see life differently. Now, when I go to bed, I know my daughter is safe.
"And to anyone going through what I went through, I want to say never give up. Keep trying, and ask for help."
I wish more people knew there was help out there. You just have to ask. Thank you, DCM, for finding us a home. I am so happy that we are here, and that we made it.