Our Services
DCM provides mana-enhancing support services to empower those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to reach their housing and social aspirations.
Toro Atu
DCM’s Toro Atu (Outreach) service connects with people who are rough sleeping and street begging in the Wellington region. This service acts as an entry point for people to start their journey towards greater wellbeing. If you are concerned about a person who is rough sleeping, you can ring Wellington City Council on (04) 499 4444, and they will notify the Toro Atu team.
Te Pae Manaaki Tangata
The Te Pae Manaaki Tangata service ensures whānau are connected to the supports they need. This service is based at 2 Lukes Lane, Wellington, where our staff connect with whānau, equip them with the basic tools they need for their journey, and ensure hauora and other supports are accessible for them. Te Pae Manaaki Tangata is a gateway, encouraging – with the support of our partners – whānau on their journey to health and wellbeing.
Aro Mai Housing First
Our Aro Mai Housing First service works in Te Aro and Lower Hutt, securing properties and focussing on quickly moving people from homelessness into housing, then providing wraparound support to ensure whānau thrive in all aspects of their lives.
Noho Pai
Our Noho Pai (Sustaining Tenancies) service supports housed and vulnerable whānau to sustain their tenancies, to be good neighbours, and to thrive in their communities. This team also takes the DCM experience out into the community, connecting with people in their own neighbourhoods.
Other Supports Available
Te Hāpai
At DCM on Lukes Lane, we have a welcoming, safe space for people who are rough sleeping called Te Hāpai (which means, “to lift up”). Support is available from kaiāwhina, with kai available, along with kōrero, and meaningful activities such as carving, chess and poetry.
Te Awatea
Te Awatea (which means, “the awakening of the dawn”) is a service aimed to reduce the harm associated with substance abuse. The Te Awatea group is held at DCM on Mondays and Fridays, 11am-12pm, led by DCM’s kaimahi and kaiāwhina. This is a safe space where people can share their journey and support one another. One-to-one counselling is also available for those who are seeking support around issues such as trauma, grief, loss and anger management, as well as substance abuse and harm reduction.
DCM relies on the expertise of visiting practitioners such as nurses from Te Aro Health Centre, and volunteer dentists at our emergency dental service, treating people in urgent pain. We also have a volunteer physiotherapist and Yoga teacher.
Money Management
DCM’s Money Management service enables whānau to access an income when they are not able to use traditional banking services. The service helps people get ID, access their correct benefit entitlements, address debt, and work toward getting their own bank account.
When people have run out of money and cannot buy food, DCM is able to offer emergency food assistance. We support people towards independence by looking at the underlying reasons that have brought someone to our Foodbank, creating support plans to address these issues. Goods are donated by the people of Wellington.
An important part of the work we do at DCM is to ensure people are connected to the supports they need. We welcome many other services to our hub at 2 Lukes Lane, such as MSD, Probation, Community Mental Health workers, along with many other supporters.