Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa.
We must work together for the wellbeing of all.
DCM has made a huge difference in the lives of countless individuals for over 50 years – and today approx. 1,000 people continue to access our services each year. They are among the most marginalised and vulnerable people in our city, and our amazing team seek to empower them to reach their housing and social aspirations.
Everyone is welcome at DCM, even if they have been excluded from other services. We do this by following our values of Manaakitanga (integrity, trust, sincerity), Kotahitanga (unity, collective action), Pono (walk the talk), Rangatiratanga (leadership, striving for excellence), Hihiritanga (striving for improvement), and Whanaungatanga (identity and belonging).
This has enabled us to support people like Keri, who threw in his patch for a life of health, housing, and whānau connection, Michelle, who went from sleeping in a bus stop to her very own whare by the beach, and Adam, a victim of violence who has gone on to thrive in his community.
Read more about our services here and find out how you can support DCM too.
Ngā mihi mahana ki a tātou katoa,
Stephen Turnock, Manahautū (DCM Director)
Is someone you know experiencing homelessness?
If you are concerned about a person who is rough sleeping, you can ring Wellington City Council on (04) 499 4444, 24/7, and they will notify us. We then go out to connect with the person – to understand how this works watch our amazing Outreach team in action in this clip:
If you come across other people in need of our support, you are welcome to direct them to us. Better still, you may want to bring them in to see us yourself. See our contact page for our address and opening hours.