What Your Support Means to Us
DCM is the leading social service supporting the most marginalised in our city. We value your support because it enables us to carry out our life-changing mahi to enable the people we work with to make meaningful change in their lives. We know that we make a real difference and supporting us is an opportunity for you to make a difference too. If you are able to, please consider it.
DCM’s name and bank account number is:
03 - 0558 - 0060344 - 000
Downtown Community Ministry
Enter your phone number in the particulars section, your name in the reference section.
If you would like a receipt, please send us an email at donate@dcm.org.nz with details for a postal address for print receipts or an email address for email receipts and we will send one out to you.
One-off Donations
To donate by credit/debit card:
Recurring Donations
Yes! I would like to become a Hope Holder!
Fill your details below and you will receive an email with recurring donation options.
Remember that for every $1 you donate, you may be able to claim 33.33¢ as a tax deduction at the end of the year. See Inland Revenue Tax Credit for Donations.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us by emailing donate@dcm.org.nz or phoning (04) 384 7699.
Leave a bequest
You can also leave a bequest in your will by downloading our bequest form here and sending it back to us at donate@dcm.org.nz, dropping it into our office at 2 Lukes Lane or sending it in to PO Box 6133, Wellington 6141.
Provide a home
Do you own any rental properties or know any landlords who would like to learn more about becoming part of the solution to homelessness?
We can offer landlords a “no hassles” service – guaranteed rent, no fees, maintenance sorted and funded – and you will be providing a whare for a person who is experiencing homelessness.
Don’t just take our word for it. Dev has purchased a number of rental properties to house people we support with long histories of homelessness. Here he shares his story, and talks about the benefits and challenges of being a part of this mahi.
Share your time and skills
There are many ways that you can volunteer and be part of our work here at DCM. Do you know any dentists or dental assistants who would like to volunteer at the DCM Dental Service? Can you help with our Foodbank pick-ups?
If there is any other way that you would like to support us please get in touch.
Donate food and groceries
To donate food, please drop items in our food bin at New World Chaffers at any time, or bring them directly in to DCM at 2 Lukes Lane, Te Aro on week days during our opening hours (9am-12pm). Don't know what to bring in? Tinned stews, tinned fish, curry and pasta sauces and toiletries are often in short supply. But we also welcome any other items you wish to donate to the Foodbank.