The Gift Of Confidence
I heard about DCM about a year ago through Streeties (people on the street). They told me about the services here, and I could relate. When I came in, I saw the way the staff worked with people, and I thought, you’re doing a really good job. They care, but they don’t muck around either. You have to do things the right way, and they do.
I started coming in for Te Awatea and the men’s group, food assistance, carving, and then a tooth extraction. That’s where things really changed for me.
Morris, the dentist, was cool. He took out a tooth that had been giving me trouble. Then Jaimie (DCM Kaimahi) asked if I wanted dentures. I was so scared about how much it would be that I didn’t know how to respond. But the first thing they said was, “There’s no cost.”
"I couldn’t believe it. I relaxed straight away and thought, You have to go for it. The opportunity is here!"
At my next appointment, I met Sophie (lead volunteer dentist). She explained everything step-by-step, making sure I understood the process. She took photos of my mouth and I was too scared to even look at my own picture! But Sophie was so great. She just took me through everything that needed to happen and why one more tooth would have to come out to make sure everything aligned properly.
I had no idea how much went into making dentures, how technical it is to get them just right. But Sophie made it so simple, and she really went the extra mile to make sure I was comfortable. And she cared.
If it wasn’t for people like Sophie, Morris, and DCM, we wouldn’t have this chance. They are the people with open hearts, here for others.
"I feel like a bit of me is missing, because of all the teeth I’ve lost. People who know you don’t care, but around strangers? It’s hard to smile."
I can’t wait to get my new teeth so I can get my confidence back. I really feel like it will move me forward. I’m in a good space now, focused and ready take on what’s next.
God bless the people that support DCM. The people here are the ones that will always be there for those that need it.
The whānau member interviewed above shared this beautiful poem he wrote about DCM as a gift for us to share.